Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 21: Algebra Continued, End of Historical Fiction, and Environments Continued

Welcome to week 21!

Here is what we have planned:

In math we will be continuing our push into algebra.  This week students will have a very quick chapter on solving and writing equations and inequalities.  More specifically, students will be solving addition and subtraction equations, solving multiplication and division equations, learning about inequalities and the number line, identifying patterns and equations, and drawing pictures and writing equations. 

In reading this week we are finishing our historical fiction novels. This will also conclude our direct instruction on inferring. We will continue to practice inferring in the next novel study to reinforce the skill of using background knowledge and text evidence to understand a story better.  In word study, we are going to start learning a new group of prefixes, roots and suffixes.  Students will learn their meaning and have several different activities to do during class to help them retain the meaning and spelling. 

In writing, students will be asked to write their concluding paragraph to their personal narrative. We are focusing on our paragraphs having a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. We are also working on having the conclusion be a strong ending to our narrative and not leave too many unanswered questions. 

In science we will be continuing our investigation into environments.  Students will complete their terrarium and water tolerance investigations and we will be turning our attention to brine shrimp and the water in which they live.  In addition, students will continue to work on writing questions, hypotheses, and the procedures of our investigations in preparation for the science MSP in the spring.

That's it for now.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

-Allyn and Alaina

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